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Sophia the robot says she will destroy Humankind

Sophia the robot might not have a heart or brain, but it does have Saudi Arabian citizenship. As of October 25, Sophia is the first robot in history to be a full citizen of a country. Sophia was developed by Hanson Robotics, led by AI developer David Hanson. It spoke at this year’s Future Investment Initiative, held in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh. Sophia once said it would “destroy humans,” but this time around the robot spoke about its desire to live peaceably among humans. Here’s what the robot is all about. Sophia was designed in Audrey Hepburn’s image, with high cheekbones and a slender nose. Denis Balibouse/Reuters Sophia has appeared on The Tonight Show and at numerous conferences around the world, including the World Economic Forum and the “AI For Good” Global Summit. “Sophia is an evolving genius machine,” the company states on its website. “Over time, her increasing intelligence and remarkable story will enchant the world and co...

Robot AI

You must have seen movies like The Terminators, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Matrix, RoboCop, Interstellar, Transformers and other similar films that have the power of robots that have human intelligence? Well the films use the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence story, guys. But do you guys what is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence somewhere from computer science about the development of a machine capable of working like a human brain. The concept of AI is divided again in the world of technology. The presence of AI is very powerful because AI can open up data patterns more effectively than humans, while helping businesses to gain broader insights from existing data. Not only in the world of cinema, AI technology is widely used in industries such as health, business and finance, law, education and factory or manufacturing world. One of the world's technology giants, IBM successfully develop...

CCS Syntax

A CSS comprises of style rule that are interprented by the browser and then applied to the corresponding element in your document. A style rule is made of three parts :  Selector - A selector is an HTML tag at which a style will be applied. This cloud be any tag like <h1> or <table> etc.  Property - A property is a type of attribute of HTML tag. Put simple, all HTML attributes are converted into CSS propeties. They cloud be color, border etc. Value - Values are assigned to propeties. For Example, color property can have value either red or #F1F1F1 etc.  You can put CSS style rule syntax as follows - Syntax Selector { property : value } Here table is a selector and border is a property and given value 1px solid #C00 is the value of that property.           

CSS Introduction tutorial

What is CSS ? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is an extension basic HTML that allows you to style your web pages. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, on paper, or in other media. CSS saves a alot of work. It can control the layout of multiple Web pages all at once. External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files. History of CSS CSS was invited by Hakon Wium Lie on October 10, 1994 and maintained through a group of people within the W3C called the CSS Working Group. CSS Version  Cascading STyle Sheets, level 1 (CSS1) was came out of W3C as a recommendation in December 1996. This version describes the CSS language as well as a simple visual formatting model for all the HTML tags. CSS2 was became a W3C recommendation in may 1998 and builds on CSS1. This version adds support for media-specific style sheets e.g. printers and aural devices, downloadable fonts, element positioning and tables. CSS3 was became a W3C recommendation in jun...

HTML Marquees

The <marquee> Tag Syntax An HTML marquee is a scrolling piece of text displayed either horizontally across or vertically down your webpage depending on the settings. This is created by using HTML <marquees> tag. Syntax :   <marquee attribute_name ="attribute_value"...more attributes>         One or more lines or text message or image  </marquee> Output :   One or more lines or text message or image    The <marquee> Tag Attributes   Following  is the list of important attributes which can be used with <marquee> tag.     Attribute Description Width This specifies the width of the marquee. This can be a value like 10 or 20% etc. Height This specifies the height of the marquee. This can be a value like 10 or 20% etc. Direction This specifies the direction in which marquee should scroll. Thi...

HTML Comments tags

Comment is a piece of code which is ignored by any web browser. It is a good practice to add comments into your HTML code, especially in complex documents, to indicate sections of a document, and any other notes to anyone looking at the code. Comments help you and other understand your code and increases code readabillity. HTML comments are placed in between <!--..--> tags. So any content placed with-in <!--..--> tags will be treated as comment and will be complately ignored by the browser. Example of comment : <!DOCTYPE html> < html>         < head>                 < title> This is document title </title>         </head>         < body>                   < !-- I am single comment -->                 < !--   ...

HTML Basics

HTML Tags, Attributes & Element Tags : HTML tags are keyword (tag names) surround by angle brackets : <tagname>content</tagname> HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p> The first tag in a pair is the start tag; the second tag is the end tag The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a slash before the tag name. Attributes : Tags can also haveattributes, which are extra bits of information. Attributes appear inside the opening tag and their values sit inside qoutation marks. They look somthing like : <tag attribute = "value" > Margarine </tag>   Element :  Element are the bits that make up web pages. Example : <body> The quick brown fox jumps over the 1 azy dog. </body>   everything that is in between (and includes) <body> and </body> tags is the body element. Example 2 :   <tittle> Rumple stiltskin </tittle> "<tttle>" and "...